Notepad++ is one of the best text editors we know and a great choice to replace the native text editor from Windows, which is just lacking too many features to be useful. And using MS Word or OpenOffice to take some notes would be overkill. Notepad++ is fast and requires very few resources. It is also free; the GPL License governs its use.

In some cases, it is useful to have a good text editor to quickly buffer a text (e.g., copied from a website) without any formatting (font, bold, underline, color, etc.). The problem with the formatting is always present. You probably had that issue at some point. I often use examples from websites when explaining why I translated a text in a specific way. But if I copy directly from the website into my email client, I get the formatting as well. This can be very inconvenient, especially if the text size or font differs from my other email content. To solve that issue, I simply copy the text into Notepad++ and copy it again to paste it into my email client or wherever I need it.

The Autosave feature is another one that I like. Whatever I write into a document, it will immediately automatically be saved, even if the document has not been saved under a specific name. I use this feature to write down some notes. No filename is needed. If I later open Notepad++ again, the same notes appear in the unnamed document as if it was never closed.

Features of Notepad++

  • Autosave
  • Indentation
  • Simultaneous editing
  • Split screen editing and synchronized scrolling
  • Line operations, including sorting, case conversion (Uppercase, lowercase, camel case, sentence case), and removal of redundant whitespace
  • Tabbed document interface
  • Search/Replace with regular expressions
  • GUI entirely customizable: minimalist, tab with close button, multi-line tab, vertical tab, and vertical document list
  • Document Map
  • Auto-completion
  • Multi-Document (Tabbed document interface)
  • Zoom in and zoom out
  • Multi-Language environment supported (84 languages)
  • Bookmarking
  • Macro recording and playback
  • and many more

Available for: Windows

Download Notepad++: